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9825 N. 121st. Ave El Mirage AZ 85335
(602) 421-7039
Crossroads: 121st ave and Peoria
Paintball Rates (Tax not shown, Effective October 5th)
Field Fee/ Air Fills -$29+Tax
Field Fee and Rental Package-$34+Tax
Upgraded marker is available for an addition $10
Rental Package includes:
Paintball Marker-All markers must use FIELD PAINT ONLY
Chest/Back Protector
Pod Belt+Pods
Air Tank+Unlimited Air Refills
Unlimited Games
Paintballs- Rec Grade Mid Grade High Grade
Paintball Requlations:
​​Max FPS is 280 NO exceptions
Factory made barrel covers must be worn at all times when off the field
Full face protection is required
Rental markers must use field paint
Group Rates for Groups of 8 or more players
​$27 per person which includes full rental package and all day air refills
For every 8 players that are paid for, you will receive 1 case of 2000 paintballs.
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